Get admission at GNFC School
Admission to the School is open to all boys and girls above the age of 4 irrespective of social status, religion or nationality.
Applications are usually accepted for children seeking entry into Classes KG to IX
For which the child has to be registered. A limited number of applications can also be considered for entry to different classes. Applications are received in December and children called for an Entrance test in March only if there are vacancies. No admission is made in Class X and XII. Please note that registration for any particular year is NOT transferable to any other year.
Registration Forms along with the prospectus for different classes are available in the school office or can be downloaded from our website. Completed registration forms should be sent by post or faxed to the School, the child will however only be registered on receipt of the appropriate fee remitted by Demand Draft made payable in favor of Guru Nanak Fifth Centenary School, Mussoorie at the Union Bank of India, Mussoorie. In addition, the school will also require a photocopy of the child’s birth certificate. A Transfer Certificate from the previous school (if applicable) is required at the time of admission.
Admission to the school takes place in March. For all classes, admission is subject to the results of an entrance examination. Given the nature of the School site and the demanding nature of the curriculum, the School reserves the right to refuse admission to those children who, in the view of the School’s Resident Medical Officer, would be unacceptably challenged by the physical regime of the School.
The Principal may, at her discretion and for the reason of facilitating the children of NRI’s to seek admission into the school, relax the Hindi requirement for the entrance examination.
The admission of a child will mean a complete acceptance by the parent/guardian of all School Rules as in force or as amended from time to time at the discretion of the School.
The School reserves the right to refuse admission/re-admission without assigning any reason. The Principal’s decision is final.