Mr. Anil Tewari
As a Principal of a school, I’ve had numerous occasions to address children in the morning assembly, classrooms, value education classes, workshops, and functions. These are ideal occasions for telling stories which appeal to children because of their immediacy and relevance. Real-life stories enliven the meaning and scope of character and character building. There are innumerable anecdotes of children who were obedient to their teachers and elders and eventually achieved success in life. I’ve also encouraged the children to read. The reading habit enhances the reader’s personality, transforming it into one that’s humane, benevolent and civilized.
To quote our Late Chairman Sardar Jaspal Singhji, “There are two kinds of education, one which teaches you how to earn a living and the other which teaches you how to live.” We remember him with great reverence and pledge to carry forward his legacy. It was his vision that has developed GNFCS as a millennium school with modern infrastructure and state of the art facilities.
We fondly remember and salute our founders respected Sardar Mehtab Singhji and Sardarni Jasbir Kaurji, but for whose dedication, devotion and dynamic leadership the school would not have been what it is today. Today the school nurtures the overall development of a child- mind-body and character in a technologically advanced and spiritual environment. It is a matter of great pride for the Management, Staff, and children of GNFC School to be placed among the top ten boys boarding schools in the Education World India School Rankings 2017-18. It is an incredible achievement would not be possible without the persistent efforts of our students, the dedication of our teachers and support of the school management. It prompts us to innovate, to enthuse, to enlighten and empower students. It also will give an impetus to the school to continue to maintain an excellent standard of providing quality education and curricular activities for its students, so as to achieve higher goals.
As educators and school leaders, our core responsibility is to provide an environment that engages our students in learning. An environment for learning is the result of a culture for learning and such a culture is the result of everything we do, think and believe in. The learning environment we create and the educational experiences to which we expose children in the first five years of life have a huge impact, so it’s important that we get both rights. For many children school is often the first experience of being away from home, so the classroom becomes a new family. Keeping this in mind we at GNFCS create an atmosphere in which every learner is respected, loved and nurtured. The four emphases of our school curriculum plan are skill development, the development of traditional values, holistic care and the development of an international perspective.
Future Plans; Curriculum Based On Skills Required:
We are living in a global society. The world is interconnected. Collaborative learning is the need of time. Our duty is to provide an education that is useful to society. The school shall in its curriculum lay emphasis upon the need to develop the skills, attitudes, and values in children which will enable them to work together in any part of the world.
- Introduce a Flipped Classroom Approach and Project-based learning.
- Collaboration to improve teaching.
- Peer discussion and peer learning.
- Introduce paperless learning through Digital Tablets.
- Guidance Cell for selection of courses.
The GNFCS Management very soon plans to set up a Teachers Training College in Mussoorie. The Bal Vidya Mandir affiliated to the Uttarakhand Education Board is a school for the children of our support staff and weaker sections of society. The school was founded by GNFCS Trust in 1992 as a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility initiative. The school is presently running till class VI. From March 2018 onwards one class will be added each year to Bal Vidya Mandir till it becomes a High School.
Each academic session begins with noble aspirations. As the curtain comes down on yet another academic year, it is with a sense of satisfaction that I admit that the year has been one of success and fulfillment. Before I conclude I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our new Chairperson Sardarni Jasleen Kaurji and the members of the governing body for their timely, invaluable and unwavering support. I am thankful to Mr. Sunil Bakshi the administrative officer for his unrelenting support, the teaching and administrative staff and the workers of the school who look after the students every day and night. I am grateful to our team of doctors Dr. Sunil Sanon and Dr (Mrs) Venu Sanon, our on the campus resident medical staff who ensure that children enjoy sound health. Our Good wishes and blessings are with the outgoing children of Class XII who I am sure shall forge ahead in life and bring honor to their families and be an asset for the society.
May God Bless You All with happiness and success. With the blessings of the Almighty, GNFCS marches ahead to empower educated leaders in a digital age.
Thank You.